rheumatoid arthritis - An Overview

A growing number of people across the globe suffer because their immune systems cannot more distinguish between healthy cells and invader micro-organisms. They are now being attacked by disease defenses that were previously used to protect them.

This issue is being tackled by major international research initiatives. One such initiative is London's Francis Crick Institute. Two world experts, James Lee (from the United States) as well as Carola Vinuesa (from Italy) have created separate research groups to pinpoint the root cause of the problem.

Lee told the Observer the Observer that autoimmune diseases were increasing in the West around 40 years back. But, the diseases are now showing up in countries which have never had them before.

The Middle East and East Asia are experiencing the greatest rise in the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease. They'd never seen the disease.

Type 1 diabetes is often associated with rheumatoid or multiple sclerosis. In all cases, the immune system is activated and turns on healthy tissues.

At least four million people living in the UK have been affected by these ailments. Some may be suffering more than one. According to international estimates the amount of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders is increasing by anywhere from 3% to 9percent each year. Scientists believe that environmental factors are key to this rise.

Lee who was located in Cambridge University, stated that genetics has not changed over recent years. So something must be changing out there and it's increasing our predisposition to the autoimmune disease.

Vinuesa an ex-student at the Australian National University, supported this concept. She outlined the shifts in food habits as more countries adopt western eating patterns and people consumed more fast food.

Vinuesa indicated that the lack of vital ingredients in fast-food meals can result in a decrease in the intake of essential nutrients, like fiber.

Microbiomes are the microbiome that is altered. This leads to autoimmune conditions. There are over 100 kinds.

The two scientists emphasized the fact that each person is susceptible to such illnesses. This includes celiac as well as Lupus. It triggers inflammation, swelling, and could cause harm and even death to various organs, such as the heart.

Vinuesa explained that autoimmune diseases aren't something you could be diagnosed with if you don't have a specific genetic susceptibility. We can't stop the rapid expansion of fast food chains across the globe. Instead, we are focusing in understanding the genetic factors that cause autoimmune diseases and how some people are susceptible while others are not. That is the level at which we intend to tackle this problem."

Due Check out to the advances in technology, scientists are now capable of identifying tiny differences between people's DNA. This is how it's possible identify the common genetic patterns of patients who suffer from auto immune disease.

Until very recently we did not have the technology to do that, but now we have this incredible power to sequence DNA on a large scale, and it has transformed everything, according to Lee. My study revealed that there are about six DNA variations that are involved in the development of inflammatory bowel disease. More than 250 are known.

Lee and Vinuesa are pursuing this research because they wish to know how the genetic pathways work and the causes of the various illnesses that doctors are currently studying. Vinuesa said that autoimmune diseases like Lupus, for example are present in a variety of forms and could have different genetic reasons. And that has a consequence when trying to determine the most effective treatment.

There are numerous innovative therapies that are being developed, however, we aren't sure which patients to treat them for. We don’t even know which version of the disease the patient is suffering from. This is an important goal in research into autoimmune diseases. It is essential to learn how to stratify and group patients to provide them the best treatment.

Lee said that rising cases of autoimmune diseases around the globe mean that the development of new therapies and medicines is required now more than ever before. There is currently no treatment for autoimmune disease that are most often seen in young people, while they're trying to get their first job, finish school, and raise their families.

It means that a growing number of people will need to undergo surgery or regular injections. This can be a very difficult time for patients and can put an immense pressure on the healthcare system. We require new and efficient treatment methods.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. This means the immune Check out system attacks healthy tissues. It's still not understood what causes this.

The immune system naturally produces antibodies to combat viruses and bacteria.

Your immune system could accidentally send antibodies to your joints in the event that you suffer from Rheumatoid. These antibodies attack the tissues around them.

The thin layer of cells (synovium) covering the joints to become painful and inflamed. It releases chemicals that damage nearby:


Cartilage, the connective tissue between bones.

Tendons connect bone to muscles

Ligaments - The ligaments - The tissue that connects bone to cartilage

These chemicals can lead to rheumatoid joints damage if the condition isn't treated. It could eventually cause the destruction of the joint.

There have been many theories as to how the immune system targets joints. For instance, an infection might be the trigger. However , none of these theories is proven.

Possible risk factors

There are many things which can increase your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis, for example:

Your genes - There is some evidence that rheumatoid arthritis can be passed through families. But the chance of it passing to children is very low since genes only play a limited part in the disease.

Hormones-Rheumatoid Ailment is more common for women than men. This could be due to the estrogenic effects, but this has not been proved.

smoking - some evidence suggests that those who smoke have an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis

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